Well-founded education with
CLA® Nursing Dolls
CLA® Nursing Dolls are based on and represent the real-life conditions of diagnostic concepts. Within the framework of what ist possible, the realistic conditions of functional processes of nursing or diagnostic activities are exactly replicated.

About CLA®
The Coburger Lehrmittelanstalt develops and manufactures its products in-house in Coburg, Germany. Manufacturing the CLA® products requires a great degree of specialised and mainly manual work, which ist done exclusively by extremely experience and highly skilled staff. Modern technology and traditional manual work form a rare symbiosis.
CLA® Nursing Dolls and Phantoms are based on the natural processes of diagnostic concepts. The functional sequence of a nursing or diagnostic action is, within the given possibilities, exactly modeled on the realistic conditions. The CLA® program is subject to a continuous improvement process that addresses all medical, therapeutic and technical innovations. This guarantees that products with high functionality and a long service life are always delivered.
The objective of the Coburger Lehrmittelanstalt is to provide media for health education and medical training. This contributes to the well-founded and professional training of nursing staff, paramedics and doctors. In order to meet this demand, CLA® offers a comprehensive, high-quality range of products.
For advice on CLA® models, please contact us by phone at +49 9561 8574-12 or mail at info@cla.de. CLA® will ensure that spare parts are always availablefor dolls and phantoms thathave been in use for many years and also, offer a factoryrepair service for models.
CLA® nursing dolls and phantoms are designed for normal diagnostic procedures and treatment. The functional sequence for nursing or diagnosis is as realistic as possible to create exacting practical conditions. By using high quality materials and special production methods CLA® can offer a full 2-year guarantee for its products.